
Two days before the Full Moon | Tripura Sundari

In the Lunar cycle, there is a very important and sacred moment, particularly evident in eastern astrological tradition, showing that every month, two days before the full moon, its influence is particularly beneficial. It is a privileged day, called the period of beauty and universal harmony (Tripura Sundari, it’s oriental name symbolizing the Great Cosmic Power of Beauty and Divine Love). This is the day when the sense of proportion and harmony are easily accessible to every human being. It is the day when we can temper our selfish ambitions by realizing our true aspirations, it’s a beneficial day to devote ourself to love, art, beauty, a day of increased creativity, artistic inspirations, feelings and emotions, the ideal day to remember and relive the magical moment of beginning in a romantic relationship, to connect with one’s lover, to follow our heart and intuition. (source:

Celebrate this special day with your lover❤️🙏

This is also the perfect moment to charge your crystals under the Moon🌔

#tantrayoga #tantra #healingeros #TripuraSundari #fullmoon #yoga #union #love #esotericknowledge

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