For the story and significance of Ganesha, please read

After reading its story, you will understand that any Sadhana (spiritual practice), in order to be under the most auspicious terms, must start with the Sadhana dedicated to Ganesha, as the God of New Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles.

And what other more favorable moment to choose for such start than the first day of Ganesha Chaturthi, the ten days festival dedicated to the celebration of Lord Ganesha?

As a practice for these ten days, you can start by creating an altar, where you could install a murti ( devotional representation of Ganesha), offering daily prayers, flowers, sweets and light, wearing red clothes. You can see below an example and I recommend you to have and to keep Ganesha in your house as a protector, at the entrance of the house.

For a more personal practice, as Ganesha is the gatekeeper of the Kundalini energy *coiled at the base of the spine, in the first chakra,  you can practice daily asanas for Muladhara chakra, which is associated with the earth element, the stability, the security, the survival, the foundation, the grounding force.

In our body, the earth element is represented by our bones, tissues, and our connection to the ground. Without a solid foundation and connection to the material elements, including your body, we cannot live a full life. Our body is the temple of our soul and liek any temple it needs a strong foundation.

Every time we go on the mat we find the connection with ourselves, with our body, mind and spirit. If our mind is not stable, if fears trouble our soul, as muladhara is the base, the root chakra, we should find here the first cause and we can start by balancing it through practice. Also, as here is the place where Kundalini starts, the asanas that I am about to describe contribute also to the transmutation and sublimation of the sexual/erotic energy.

Here are some asanas ( body postures) that you can start to practice, after the initial warm-up. You can sit in every posture for up to 2 minutes.

  1. Janu Sirsasana

2. Paschimottanasana

If you want guidance on how to practice these postures, please DM me ([email protected]), I would be honored to guide you.


In addition, you can practice daily meditation with Ganesha mantra, for these ten days, at minimum 15 minutes a day.


Please do let me know how you feel!

Do you feel more protected, more grounded, more stable and secure? Is Ganesha guiding you with his wisdom and intelligence?

Jay Ganesha!


With love,


*Kundalini is a dormant energy that resides within each of us. This energy is traditionally represented as a coiled serpent; According to many yogic traditions, Kundalini is said to be curled up in the back part of muladhara chakra or first chakra, around the sacrum. When it uncoils, it rises up a subtle channel within the spinal cord and passes through the chakras. Once it reaches the seventh chakra or sahasrara, one attains yoga’s ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment.

Hi, I’m Cristina

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